Date: Sat, 7 Nov 92 05:12:36 From: Space Digest maintainer Reply-To: Subject: Space Digest V15 #393 To: Space Digest Readers Precedence: bulk Space Digest Sat, 7 Nov 92 Volume 15 : Issue 393 Today's Topics: Interesting Text on UFO's [Part 2] NASA Coverup Welcome to the Space Digest!! Please send your messages to "", and (un)subscription requests of the form "Subscribe Space " to one of these addresses: listserv@uga (BITNET), rice::boyle (SPAN/NSInet), utadnx::utspan::rice::boyle (THENET), or (Internet). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 6 Nov 1992 19:22:22 GMT From: Subject: Interesting Text on UFO's [Part 2] Newsgroups: high rank as you were, and I felt just in saying that your cre- dentials are true, and that what you have to say, everything you've said here today, I've heard before behind closed doors. And you've really tied the link for me to the Kennedy killing. And there's a few more links that have to go on with the Colum- bia Cartel and the money laundering. I think there's more than one cartel involved, and they're shutting one of them down so one can maintain a power, it just seems to be the way it works." A muffled question then came from someone in the audience regarding the person referred to as "Colonel Stevens." "Uh, Colonel Stevens is out of jail now," replied Murray who was quickly asked another question I couldn't hear to which he answered, "I sure hope to hell so, he is a wonderful man and I give him my utmost respect and it was one of the saddest days in my life to see what happened to him happen to him. But I don't care what they say about Wendel Stevens, in my heart you can't discredit that man to me. I don't care who the hell you are. I won't listen to it, I don't give a shit if he was screwin' ba- bies. You know... that doesn't... he's not that kind of a man, I don't care what you say, I know him personally." The lecture was then essentially over. The "Alternative-2 and -3" that were referred to briefly are, to the best of my know- ledge, two government contingency plans and I don't know which is which, to 1: Declare Martial Law and invalidate the Constitu- tion on the premise that a terrorist group had entered the coun- try with a Nuclear weapon with plans to detonate it in a major city. All dissidents would be rounded up and placed in concen- tration camps and the press and media would be nationalized. All this, if the information becomes public before they want it to or if the aliens attempt a takeover, and 2: Another contingency plan to contain or delay the release of this information, the details of which I am probably wrong about anyway. My own personal reaction to Milton William Cooper; Mr. Cooper is a man who appears to be in his late fourties, of medium height and weight, and was dressed casually when I saw him. His hairline was receding slightly and he carried himself with con- fidence and purpose. Bill Cooper, as he was called by several in attendance, is not a professional speaker. His presentation lacked the polish of repeated deliveries which all the other lectures I heard during the Expo. had, but what it lacked in fine tuning was easily made up for in its content. Weather or not everyone in the audience was convinced of his sincerity I do not know, but the thunderous peal of applause which exploded as he concluded the session spoke for me and the majority of those in attendance. I am convinced beyond any reasonable doubt that Bill Cooper believes everything he said, and I'm about as skeptical as they come. Please read the attached file written by Milton William Cooper which describes some of the government operations, projects, and code names that pertain to the above transcript. Perhaps from the two documents you can reach your own conclusions as to what "Alternative-2 and -3 are. The following is the original file "OPER-MAJ.TXT" which introduced Mr. Cooper to me. OPERATION MAJORITY FINAL RELEASE THERE WILL BE NO CORRECTIONS TO THIS FILE C - COPYRIGHT 1989 BY MILTON WILLIAM COOPER ALL RIGHTS RESERVED YOU HAVE MY PERMISSION TO QUOTE FROM THIS INFORMATION IN PRESS RELEASES, PERIODICALS, AND SPEECHES. INCLUSION IN ANY OTHER MEDIA REQUIRES MY EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION. This file contains the absolute true information regarding the alien presence on earth and the US Government's involvement with the aliens. This file contains only the information as I saw it and only my information. It does not contain any information from any other source. It was necessary for me to issue the information previous to this release in a manner which would deceive the Government until someone was able to independently confirm my identity, my employment, my service record, my intelligence background, the identity of the person to which I gave the information in 1972, his acknowledgment of the information and when it was given to him, that the information is correct, that I have not seen him since 1974, and that I have not communicated with him in any form since 1976. This was necessary because this file is my death warrant if MJ-12 continues to operate in a manner consistent with its history. All in the last paragraph has been independently verified by 2 different people who have no connection with each other. I will only list one for obvious reasons. Tony Pelham, Journalist Las Vegas Bullet, (Newspaper) 300 West Boston Las Vegas, Nevada 89102 The original information that I first released was not much MAJI that I was not a threat long enough to have independent verification of the facts before I risked death. [TRANSMISSION GARBLED] I wish to make it absolutely clear that I do not consider myself a hero. I believe that most of you would do the same thing if you knew the truth. I gave an oath that I would uphold and protect the Constitution of the United States of America and I take that oath very seriously. I am doing no more now than I did when I fought in Vietnam. I am doing my duty. Please make copies of this file and send it to your Congressman, your Senator, the Attorney General of the United States, and to the Supreme Court. Send it also to everyone you know. Attach copies of the Bill English file and John Lears file. Send anything else you may have which tends to support the information. I, Milton William Cooper, 1311 S. Highland #205, Fullerton, California, 92632, (714) 680-9537, do solemnly swear that the information contained in this file is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I swear that I saw this information in 1972 in the performance of my duties as a member of the Intelligence Briefing Team of the Commander In Chief of the Pacific Fleet as a Petty Officer in the US Navy. I swear that I underwent hypnotic regression in order to make the information as accurate as possible. I swear that I can and will take a lie detector test or any other test of any reputable person's choosing in order to confirm this information. I swear that I can and will undergo hypnotic regression conducted by any reputable and qualified Doctor of any reputable person's choosing in order to confirm this information. I will not, however submit to any test or hypnosis by anyone who is now or has ever been connected with the Government in any capacity for obvious reasons. The following is brief listing of everything that I personally saw and know from 1972 and does not contain any input from any other source whatsoever. MAJESTY was listed as the code word for the President of the United States for communications concerning this information. OPERATION MAJORITY is the name of the operation responsible for every aspect, project, and consequence of alien presence on earth. GRUDGE Contains 16 volumes of documented information collected from the beginning of the United States investigation of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO's) and Identified Alien Crafts (IAC). The project was funded by CIA confidential funds (non- appropriated) and money from the illicit drug trade. Participation in the illegal drug trade was justified in that it would identify and eliminate the weak elements of our society. The purpose of project GRUDGE was to collect all scientific, technological, medical and intelligence information from UFO/IAC sightings and contacts with alien life forms. This orderly file of collected information has been used to advance the United States Space Program. MJ-12 is the name of the secret control group. President Eisenhower commissioned a secret society known as THE JASON SOCIETY (JASON SCHOLARS) to sift through all the facts, evidence, technology, lies and deception and find the truth of the alien question. The society was made up of 32 of the most prominent men in the country in 1972 and the top 12 members were designated MJ-12. MJ-12 has total control over everything. They are designated by the codes J-1, J-2, etc all the way through the members of the Jason Society. The director of the CIA was appointed J-1 and is the Director of MJ-12. MJ-12 is responsible only to the President. MJ-12 runs most of the world's illegal drug trade. This was done to hide funding and thus keep the secret from the Congress and the people of the United States. It was justified in that it would identify and eliminate the weak elements of our society. The cost of funding the alien connected projects is higher than anything you can imagine. MJ-12 assassinated President Kennedy when he informed them that he was going to tell the public all the facts of the alien presence. He was killed by the Secret Service agent driving his car and it is plainly visible in the film held from public view. A secret meeting place was constructed for MJ-12 in MARYLAND and it was described as only accessible by air. It contains full living, recreational, and other facilities for MJ-12 and the JASON SOCIETY. It is code named "THE COUNTRY CLUB". Only those with TOP SECRET/MAJIC clearance are allowed to go there. MAJI is the MAJORITY AGENCY FOR JOINT INTELLIGENCE. All information, disinformation, and intelligence is gathered and evaluated by this agency. This agency is responsible for all disinformation and operates in conjunction with the CIA, NSA, and the Defense Intelligence Agency. This is a very powerful organization and all alien projects are under its control. MAJI is responsible only to MJ-12. SIGMA is the project which first established communications with the aliens and is still responsible for communications. PLATO is the project responsible for Diplomatic relations with the aliens. This project secured a formal treaty (illegal under the Constitution) with the aliens. The terms were that the aliens would give us technology. In return we agreed to keep their presence on earth a secret, not to interfere in any way with their actions, and to allow them to abduct humans and animals. The aliens agreed to furnish MJ-12 with a list of abductees on a periodic basis. MAJIC is the security classification and clearance of all alien connected material, projects, and information. MAJIC means MAJI Controlled. AQUARIUS is a project which compiled the history of alien presence and their interaction with Homo Sapiens upon this planet for the last 25,000 years and culminating with the Basque people who live in the mountainous country on the border of France and Spain and the Syrians. GARNET is the project responsible for control of all information and documents regarding this subject and accountability of the information and documents. PLUTO is a project to evaluate all UFO/ IAC information pertaining to space telZk{k+9kR [TRANSMISSION GARBLED] POUNCE is the project formed to recover all downed/ crashed craft and aliens. REDLIGHT is the project to test fly recovered alien craft. It is conducted at AREA 51 (DREAMLAND) in Nevada. It was aided when the aliens gave us craft and helped us fly them. The initial project was somewhat successful in that we flew a recovered craft but it blew up in the air and the pilots were killed. The project was suspended at that time until the aliens agreed to help us. SNOWBIRD was established as a cover for project REDLIGHT. Several flying saucer type craft were built using conventional technology. They were unveiled to the press and flown in front of the press. The purpose was to explain accidental sightings or disclosure of REDLIGHT as having been the SNOWBIRD craft. LUNA is the alien base on the far side of the Moon. It was seen and filmed by the Apollo Astronauts. A base, a mining operation using very large machines, and the very large alien craft described in sighting reports as MOTHER SHIPS exist there. craft connected projects. projects. ------------------------------ Date: 7 Nov 92 08:30:58 GMT From: david michelson Subject: NASA Coverup Newsgroups: In article (Henry Spencer) writes: >In article writes: >>...things that weren't publicized. The trip back to Earth inside of Apollo 13 >>was pure hell for one... > >Actually, some of the recent books on Apollo give a reasonably good picture >of just how close to the edge that crew came... It definitely didn't get >a lot of play at the time, though. I'll bite. To what recent books do you refer? On a related topic (and it certainly wasn't an option on Apollo 13), I vaguely recall that there were some abort options after TLI that didn't take the CSM around the moon. Some mighty hefty burns from the SPS were enough to reverse course, so to speak. Can anyone remember the details? -- Dave Michelson ------------------------------ End of Space Digest Volume 15 : Issue 393 ------------------------------